President’s Volunteer Service Award

What Is It?

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is a national program that recognizes accomplishments in service. The national program is run by the AmeriCorps program and the Points of Light Foundation. CBL is an official certifying agency for this award. Please visit the PVSA website for more information and history of the award.

Who Can Apply for the PVSA?

Anyone over the age of five who has completed the required number of hours for their age group is eligible to apply for the PVSA through CBL. Please note that you do need to complete your service hours with CBL or a representative organization in order to apply.

Age Group Bronze Silver Gold Lifetime Achievement
Kids (5-10 Years Old)
26-49 Hours
50–74 hours
75+ hours
4,000+ hours
Teens (11–15)
50–74 hours
75–99 hours
100+ hours
4,000+ hours
Young Adults (16–25)
100–174 hours
175–249 hours
250+ hours
4,000+ hours
Adults (26+)
100–249 hours
250–499 hours
500+ hours
4,000+ hours

What Counts as Service?

Most generally, service means helping others. For the CBL that means helping our hundreds of teams enjoy the sport of basketball by keeping a scoreboard, keeping a scorebook, assistant coaching, cleaning the gyms, and even refereeing games.

How Do I Apply?

You must be a student working with any one of the CBL’s organizations in the Lehigh Valley. We are a small non-profit and cannot process applications outside of our geographic area.

Please obtain an hours tracking form from a CBL representative.  Once you have compiled enough hours to qualify, have the hours certified by the representative or a CBL board member and email a PDF of the form to [email protected] to be reviewed.